Building the Whirlwind

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For the objective of this study, we interviewed both grassroots organizers and professionals working in progressive institutions. The purpose was to represent multiple sides of the movement-support inquiry. The majority of people interviewed acted within grassroots and social movements. The second, smaller group, are people embedded in institutions.

Primary group: Social-movement activists and grassroots groups 

The main goal from these interviews was:

  1. To bring to light their unseen work before, during and after movement moments.
  2. To better understand what support they needed.
  3. To understand how and where institutional actors have successfully stepped in, or failed to step in, to support them. 

Secondary group: Movement-generous progressive institutional organizations and staff 

These interviewees were people within institutions who have been active in supporting movements and grassroots actors. They were identified through the course of interviewing grassroots actors. 

The main goal of these interviews was to better understand: 

  1. The challenges of doing this...