Privatization is not the answer.

Governments all across the country are deciding right now how to fund the cracks of our broken healthcare system that the pandemic exposed—and right-wing think tanks want governments to believe that a private system is the solution.

With the Ontario election around the corner, we need to make sure political leaders of all stripes know that selling off our public system could cost them the election.

Donate to the Broadbent Institute’s election preparedness fund now so we can push back against right-wing think tanks, and make sure smart policies make it to decision makers in advance of the Ontario election.


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Contributions are not tax deductible.


As a non-profit organization, we rely solely upon the support of people like you: progressive individuals & organizations who believe in the need for a strong Canadian democracy.

Note: Due to our political work, the Broadbent Institute is not a registered charity. We are unable to provide donors with charitable receipts.