Building the Whirlwind

Players and Timeline

Who was involved? - Individuals

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This study is based on interviews with nine movement builders who contributed to creating the 2019 climate “movement moment” in Montreal. 

Albert Lalonde: founding member of PLF (and later la CEVES), was a high school student at the time.

Ashley Torres: university student, founding member of LPSU (and later la CEVES).

Eric St-Pierre: Executive director of Trottier Family Foundation.

François Geoffroy: CEGEP professor and founding member of LPSP.

Isabelle L’Héritier: mobilisation campaigner at Greenpeace Canada, in the Montreal office.

Julie Roy: Responsable de l’engagement citoyen or head of citizen engagement at DSF, in the Montreal office.

Kijatâi-Alexandra Veillette-Cheezo: youth from Anishinabek Nation, one of the participants in the cohort of 15 Indigenous youth and 15 settler youth that led the September 27 protest.

Louis Couillard: university student, founding member of LSPU (and later la CEVES)

Patrick Rondeau: Conseiller syndical - Environnement et Transition juste or “Union advisor - environment and just transition” and member of the coalition that organized September 27.

Who was involved? - Organizations
