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Statement from Ed Broadbent: Rick Smith stepping down as Broadbent Institute Executive Director

After more than eight successful years as Executive Director of the Broadbent Institute, the Board of Directors of the Institute today announced that Rick Smith will be stepping down from this role, effective mid-June, to become President of the Canadian Institute for Climate Choices (CICC).

Under Rick’s leadership, the Broadbent Institute has grown into one of Canada’s most prominent and effective policy and training organizations. We have a strong staff team right across the country and regularly make key interventions at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. Our news division, PressProgress, is read by millions of Canadians every year and our trainings and events – such as the annual Progress Summit – have brought together tens of thousands of opinion leaders. We have an international footprint and regularly work with strong colleagues around the world. Our Institute’s policy work is innovative and thoughtful and has contributed measurably to making Canada a better place for all Canadians.

On behalf of our Board, staff and stakeholders I want to thank Rick for his tireless efforts. We’re very proud of the work we’ve done together and we’re going to miss him!

In this next critical decade for climate action, I can’t think of anyone better to lead CICC in its important mission.

The Institute Board will immediately launch a nation-wide search for its next Executive Director. Arlene Wortsman, currently Director of Operations, will be assuming the role of Interim Executive Director upon Rick’s departure and until the position is filled permanently.

-Ed Broadbent, Chair