Remembering Jack



It’s hard to believe that, four years ago on Saturday, our friend Jack Layton passed away. I say hard to believe because he still seems very present to me.

The progressive causes and organizations he poured his heart into across the country continue their great work and serve as a living testament to his spirit.

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This election, Canada must tackle disability rights reform


Early into this federal election campaign and, encouragingly, talk of the creation of a Canadians with Disabilities Act has surfaced.

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The economics (and ethics) of affordable child care


Many economists, particularly those that are male, find it difficult to understand the public interest in providing funding to child care. 

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Even Conservatives should embrace a decent minimum wage


Few Canadian economic debates are as long-standing and as predictable as that over the pros and cons of  raising the minimum wage. Progressives call for a higher wage floor to combat inequality, low pay and poverty. But employers and the political right generally argue that a decent minimum wage comes at the cost of jobs, and harms those it is intended to protect. 

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