Lead and Inspire Stories

Waubgeshig Rice on using the written word to bridge cultural gaps

Waubgeshig Rice talks about the moment he realized journalism could be a viable career for him as an Indigenous person. He tells the story of how a student exchange program...

Sandy Hudson on her journey from skeptic to organizer

Sandy Hudson talks about the moment she realized she had the power to change the world. She describes her first experience organizing as a university student and the taste of...

LaTosha Brown on the four Vs

Speaking at the 2021 Progress Summit, LaTosha Brown talks about the possibilities of stepping into our power. She outlines her four Vs and reminds us that the ultimate prize is moving...

Natan Obed on Indigenous justice

Natan Obed is President of the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.

Sarah Jama on Disability Rights

Sarah Jama is the founder of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario.

Marilyn Poitras on Indigenous representation

Marilyn Poitras is Assistant Professor at the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan.

Bonnie Leask, Policy Analyst and Community Organizer

Access to Power: Indigenous Representation in Politics  

Chief Tammy Cook-Searson

Access to Power: Indigenous Representation in Politics

Maria Elena Durazo on Building Resistance and Progressive Power

Before her election to California State Senate, Maria Elena Durazo on leading a labour & communities alliance, producing victories & building power for progressive change.