Training & Leadership

We help build capacity for progressive organizing in Canada. We share skills and tools for winning progressive campaigns.
We amplify stories and ideas to inspire and develop progressive leaders.

We help progressives win

Our online programming for activists and organizers across Canada features top trainers and leaders. They share expertise and insights about the power to make progressive change. Learn about developing campaign plans and strategy. Find motivating grassroots organizing examples, volunteer recruitment, and team-building from the field. Help develop strong and inclusive progressive organizations.

Two ways to learn

Lead & Inspire

Stories of progressive leadership. Pathways to inspire and develop the next generation of leaders.

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Train & Win

Skills and tools for collective action. Lessons from the field to build the power to make progressive change.


Train & Win

Select a subject area to view available modules and get started

What is Power?

Develop an understanding of power and social change, including practical approaches to campaigning and organizing. Learn how policies are set and decisions made, considering the change(s) you seek and who...

Organizing to Win with 270 Strategies

These videos were part of the Organizing to Win series by 270 Strategies. They were originally part of the Broadbent Institute's Online Leadership School, dedicated to engaging and empowering progressive...

Networked Change

Networked Change maps out the strategies and practices that lie behind today’s most successful advocacy campaigns both in Canada and abroad. In the process, it demonstrates how and why they...

Building the Whirlwind

Take a deeper look at the individuals and organizations involved in the movement-building that culminated in 2019 in Montreal, which saw 500,000 gather to protest for climate action.

Lead & Inspire

Emma Jackson on vision
Emma Jackson on vision
It is clear that we are not living in moderate times, so why should our vision for the future be moderate? Climate justice leader Emma Jackson talks about crafting a vision to reach the scale of the moment.
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Ed Broadbent on Equality
Ed Broadbent on Equality
Ed Broadbent talks about a value of social democracy - equality. Both the Great Depression and the COVID-19 pandemic showed a whole layer of the population suffering greatly while a small upper portion scarcely had any negative effects on their livelihoods at all. They were both reminders that we need good social and economic foundations to establish a more equal society.
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Ed Broadbent on the connection between social movements and social democracy
Ed Broadbent on the connection between social movements and social democracy
Drawing on events from his hometown of Oshawa, Ontario, Ed Broadbent talks about how social movements and social democracy can work together to create a better life for everyone.
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Start Learning Now

Top trainers and leaders share their expertise and insights about the power to make progressive change. Learn about campaign plans and strategies, volunteer recruitment, and team-building from grassroots organizing examples. Use these tools in your own campaigns or to develop strong and inclusive progressive organizations.
