News and Blogs

Find the latest news from the Institute, and policy ideas from the Broadbent Blog, Canada's hub for Canada's leading progressive voices.
Disclaimer: the opinions expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Institute.


What we can learn from the Oshawa General Motors announcement

The announced General Motors closures have shown us that we need to explore a new industrial strategy, where public investments gives equity in companies, and where public control can help...


Review: Ontario's Economic Outlook and Fall Fiscal Update 2018

The Ontario government’s annual Economic Outlook and Fall Fiscal Update arrives on the heels of a controversial first quarter for Premier Doug Ford’s new Progressive Conservative government. Campaigning solely on...


Canada’s economic competitiveness lies in an equitable and low carbon future

There has been plenty of fear mongering that Canada must follow U.S. President Trump’s corporate tax cut agenda or face economic devastation. Yet many of the experts, often those not...


Broadbent Reads: Crashed by Adam Tooze

Book Review Adam Tooze. Crashed: How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World. Viking. New York. 2018 The global economic crisis is now more than a decade old, and...


National security, protectionism and the new trade deal with the United States and Mexico

The Trudeau government has said that the new USMC agreement continues to give us an effective means of resolving bilateral disputes with the United States, allowing us to appeal to...


Corporate-tax cuts are no solution to Canada’s competitiveness problem

The federal government is widely expected to announce a new competitiveness strategy as part of its Fall Economic Statement. Corporate Canada has been lobbying hard for a new round of...


Reflecting on Ocasio-Cortez and a bold opportunity for democratic socialist organizing in Canada

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is breaking new ground and hitting international air waves in her recent win of the democratic nomination over a 20 year sitting Congressman in New York's 14th Congressional...


Why a Carbon Fee and Dividend now makes more sense than ever for Canada

Now that Manitoba has joined Ontario and Saskatchewan in opposition to a carbon tax, what are the realistic political options for the federal government?  Economists overwhelmingly support carbon pricing as...


The evidence is clear. Canada needs electoral reform

Aside from the ascendance of newer political parties at the expense of those more established, one of the most significant aspects of Monday’s election in Quebec is what it may...


BC’s electoral referendum could change Canada’s political landscape

  A vote for proportional representation in BC’s electoral referendum could boost electoral reform in the provinces or even federally.