News and Blogs

Find the latest news from the Institute, and policy ideas from the Broadbent Blog, Canada's hub for Canada's leading progressive voices.
Disclaimer: the opinions expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Institute.


Agenda for an Election

This federal election must be about building a better Canada after the pandemic. The Broadbent Institute has set out a social democratic perspective to influence the political debate.  The crisis...

In the News

Affordability anxiety still high on the eve of a federal election

TORONTO – The cost of living, healthcare and housing affordability are top 3 drivers of voting amongst Canadians, with 8 in 10 Canadians worried about their cost of living rising....

In the News

Canadians choose higher taxes for the wealthy over spending cuts to manage deficit and recovery

TORONTO – Canadians fear that the looming deficit will be paid off through spending cuts and tax increases on lower and middle-income households, with a majority believing these measures would...


How to build support, win, and make it stick

When Tommy Douglas was premier of Saskatchewan, he told people who came to lobby him that he’d like to do what they wanted. But if they wanted the change to...

In the News

Canadians say it’s time to tackle the wealth gap

Abacus poll shows support for a wealth tax has risen to nearly 90% TORONTO – A majority of Canadians believe the pandemic made income and wealth inequality worse and 81%...


Early Federal Election? A Risky Proposition

The political pundits and the media are all but unanimous that there will be a fall federal election. They are probably right, but they may be underestimating the risk to...


Honour Those Found at Residential Schools by Respecting the Human Rights of First Nations Children Today

Anne Levesque is a Broadbent Institute Fellow as well as Assistant professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.   The discovery of more than 1,000 Indigenous children’s bodies...


How the Super Wealthy Get Richer while Getting Taxed Less

It’s not just your imagination, the rich are getting richer. The gulf between the rich and poor has been steadily growing in the last 20 years, and social mobility has...


It’s 2021, and we need Pride now more than ever

Pride is a celebration. It’s an annual opportunity for the LGBT community to cast off the cloak of heteronormativity and revel in our true selves - whatever and whoever that...


Good Theory, Good Practice: Seven Principles for a New Political Economy

Earlier this month we welcomed Professor Mariana Mazzucato to the Progress Summit stage. The event focused on innovative approaches to steer the economy and society towards an equitable and sustainable...